Subject: TIMER: V3.0 Stopwatch Author: Smart Typesetting Uploaded By: SkiRacer01 Date: 4/27/1993 File: TIMER3.ZIP (106152 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 972 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, VBRUN100.DLL, and Win 3.x Keywords: Smart Typesetting, Digital, Utility, Billing, VB, Win Typesetting This file requires VBRUN100.DLL (Visual Basic Runtime). You can find both this file and instructions for it by using keyword: WIN FORUM, and clicking on Visual Basic Run-time Modules in the left-hand listbox. This program will NOT work with VBRUN200.DLL, VBRUN300.DLL, VB40016.DLL or VB40032.DLL. TIMER is a program that is great for keeping track of how much time has been spent on a project, phone call, or even to time how long it takes a particular program to load! If your work is billed on a per/amount of time basis, TIMER can help you more accurately bill for time spent on a project. It is very easy to run multiple copies of Timer and give each copy a separate name, making it well-suited for those who are constantly juggling many different things. Documentation: TIMER.WRI and Online HELP